Legislative Update




The 2024 Legislative Session has closed and the Legislative Committee, along with our Lobbyist, remained committed to preserving and protecting the retirement benefits that we all worked so hard to achieve.

· The unfunded liability of the teacher’s Retirement Fund (due to the State’s underfunding over the years) is reduced. Approximately 7 billion dollars of the State’s Surplus money over the past 4 years has been put into the State’s pension debts, saving Connecticut taxpayers approximately 738 million dollars this year and years into the future.

· ARTC was successful in having lawmakers strike Section 6 of CEA’s proposed SB381, which would have negated the new election process for our two additional representatives on the TRB, passed unanimously in 2023.

· Our Bill regarding the promised 1/3 Health Insurance Subsidy for TRB’s Medicare Supplement Plan from United Health Care did not pass. It being the second year of a biennium budget, legislators had to remain within the budget established in 2023. However, we were able to meet with many key Legislators and educate them about our need for a fair and equitable insurance plan choice, especially since we pay the bulk of our own health insurance costs.

· Our WEP/GPO Subcommittee has worked hard throughout the year and has gained prominence nationwide. (Please refer to their report.)

The Legislative Committee is already planning for the 2025 Legislative Session, which is a budgetary year. The Committee has set its legislative goals and will advocate for:

· The State’s promised 1/3 fair and equitable subsidy for both the Advantage Plan and the Supplement Plan offered by the TRB. According to the State Treasurer’s Office, our Health Insurance fund is “Healthy”. This is a fairness issue.

· A true democratic representation on the Teacher’s Retirement Board, whereby, active teachers solely vote for their TRB representatives and retired teachers solely vote for their representatives.

· 100% State tax exemption with no income limit on one’s pension.

· An ARTC retired teacher representative on the Treasurer’s Investment Advisory Council.

The Legislative Committee is only as strong as ARTC and its members. We thank you for your support.

The Legislative Committee maintains its meeting agenda via virtual Zoom meetings. The Committee Chairs, with the assistance of Executive Director will continue to keep members informed by emails, Facebook and Webpage. Thank you for your support.




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