Luncheon Photos

Click here to view photos of our 2024 Spring Luncheon

Video of the Spring 2024 Luncheon

Click here to view the photos from our 2023 Fall Luncheon

Video of the Fall 2023 Luncheon

Click here to view the photos from our 2023 Spring Luncheon.

Audio of Attorney General Tong’s presentation

Our annual spring luncheon was a huge success. To see or download photos from this event click here. The event was held at the beautiful Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville. Our guest speaker was State Treasurer Shawn T. Wooden. Treasurer Wooden spoke about the state’s plans for teacher pensions. To see the video of Treasurer Wooden’s speech, click here.

Our Fall 2019 luncheon was a huge success (click here to view the photo dropbox). We had a wonderful turnout and were extremely lucky to have Kathleen Holt from the center for Medicare Advocacy as our guest speaker. We will have a video of her Oct speech available soon.

The ARTC had another successful luncheon at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville. President Tom Singleton opened the meeting by approving the new slate officers. We were joined by State Comptroller Kevin Lembo who spoke about the state budget and answered questions from the membership.


The fall luncheon was a huge hit. We were very lucky to have Joe Fields and Darlene Perez as our guest speakers. Joe “fielded” our various health insurance, CIGNA, our new Dental Carrier and drug costs questions. Darlene, who is from the teacher’s Retirement Board, spoke regarding the status of our pension and our health fund. Michael Norman, ARTC-PAC,  spoke on the up-coming elections.

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