Health Insurance


The Teachers’ Retirement Board (TRB) offers Medicare based health plans to those retirees who are over 65 and are Medicare eligible. Two basic Medicare plans are offered; Original Medicare with a Supplement or an Advantage insurance plan, along with Medicare Part D drug coverages. TRB has extended the UnitedHealthcare contract for an additional year. We encourage you to look on the TRB website and the UnitedHealthcare website for specific information pertaining to each plan. For those retired teachers who are not eligible for a TRB plan, please refer to your plan sponsor (your former Board of Education) for more information about your individual plans.

Enrollees on both TRB plans are required to pay a Medicare Part B premium. The Medicare Part B standard premium for 2025 is $185.00 (some may pay more due to income adjusted surcharges).

Those enrolled in the Supplement plan have a $257 Part B deductible. This, once per year deductible, must be met before Medicare and the Supplement insurance begin to pay. You can track your accumulated amount towards your Medicare deductible in real time on the site. It is simple to create your own account on that site, where you will get clear information about what Medicare has paid and what remains for your Supplement to pay.

If you are on the Advantage plan, you are not on Original Medicare and you will need to get your claims information from your insurer, in this case UnitedHealthcare.

Health insurance information can be overwhelming and the language often confusing, so our insurance committee does its best to carefully read the available information to gain an understanding of it. We believe being informed healthcare consumers is important for our members. That is why we post educational materials on our website to help you “stay health insurance smart”. For articles, videos and more, see the Insurance Information tab on the ARTC main page and click “Learn More".


UHC card information

Understanding Medicare 

Preventive Services

List of Prior Authorization on the Advantage Plan

What you pay   

Knowing the difference betweeen "preventive" and "diagnostic" may help you understand when cost sharing may apply!

Need to get in touch with someone at the TRB? Click here for contact information.  

Please note: ARTC sets forth the information as an educational service to our members and as a starting point to better introduce the topic of healthcare coverage. Although we are not experts, we try our best to be accurate and encourage you to check with the sources that are listed on each of the documents, before reaching any final decisions. Nothing contained herein is offered or provided as legal advice and should not be taken as such.




©2023 Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut. All Rights Reserved.